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Health Magnetic Store

Dr. Sierra Magnets


Magnetic Products for Health. 


Not long ago, from all the years of expertise, the need to differentiate from other similar magnets on retail, on 2017 the brand Dr. Sierra Magnets was born.  Of course these include products that fill the purpose on providing the benefits Biomagnetism Negative- North polarity brings. Also these are her personal favorites. 

Dr. Sierra Magnets brand believes in the power of biomagnets to improve every day wellness. It brings you verified and confirmed therapy magnets on braces and essentials that brings relieve, strengthen and restore the cells in your body.  These products follow Dr. Ralph's investigation and the 40 plus years of Dr. Irma Sierra expertise as a Chiropractor and a Biomagnetic and Electromagnetic Energy, Health Care Provider when utiizing the North and South polarities of the magnets.  We are pioneers of the science of BioMagnetism in the island of Puerto Rico and providers of safer, wholesome magnetic healthcare.

Wellness is our second nature and it has been since 1969. 

Choose from a variety of products especially manufactured with North- negatve polarity to skin, and with strong magnetic gauss, and we consider them the best Magnetic Products for Health.

  • Original High Strength Magnetic Bands.
  • Orthopedic Magnetic wraps and supports.
  • Magnetic accesories.
  • All north, negative polarity. Verified.

All our Dr. Sierra Magnets have the polarities marked! In fact we tell you what side is North (negative) or South (positive) or mixed.  

“We now stand on the verge of a great new age in magnetic science and its applications, a tool that has been provided by Mother Nature itself.”  Dr. Ralph U. Sierra, 1975.
"Discover Magnetism, Reaching Out to Nature's Energy" Dr. Irma I. Sierra, 1990.
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