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BioMagnetic Jewerly

Choose the best Magnetic Jewelry for Health. Static Magnetic therapy.

Important all Verified to be North (Negative) Polarity. Be careful with imitations!!! 

Verified All North, ANIONS, Negative polarity to the skin. 

If you live disconnected to the natural magnetic field of the earth or need and want to strengthen your energy level, it is very important that you use a magnetic piece of jewelry to strengthen it. You will find bracelets, anklets, necklaces, earrings and rings for the hand or foot, manufactured in materials such as hematite, rhodium, copper, stainless steel and titanium, gold or silver plated. 

Our bodies "recharge" with anions (Negative ions) which permeate the blood stream by absorption through the skin. These particles help to optimize and regulate key cell functions such as regulating serotonin, the mood chemical, to optimal levels.

Negative (-) North polarity also increase the flow of oxygen to the brain which allows for more mental energy, greater alertness, and decrease in drowsiness.

Magnetic Jewelry provide an outpatient Bio-Magnetic Therapy, day by day, hour after hour!

Beware of imitations, they may look the same, but not be the same. We verify that each magnet is Negative polarity.

We now invite you to browse our extensive range of Biomagnetic Jewelry and buy with confidence that your magnetic jewelry meets the highest standards in magnetic therapy.

Want to learn more: Why use biomagnetic jewerly?   
Also: Read our Article on Biomagnetic Jewelry 

*Exception are our Pearls, these are very strong Hematite magnets that are with bipolar, a balance of north and south polarities. 

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