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Children or Small Framed Adults

Children are constantly in a forward placement of their head causind a decreased normal cervical curvature.

We carry two petite style pillows to be used for a natural placement of the head and neck.  The two shapes of our cervical pillows provide natural and correct posturing in face-up- (supine- on your back)and side-sleeping positions.

Cervical support pillows are used to prevent hypolordosis, or when a cervical hypolordosis (less than normal curvature of the spine) exists, or when cervical spasms or strains occur. 

These pillows are orthotic devices (apparatus used to align or support) used to help relieve spasms, remove minor tensions and maintain or resume the natural cervical lordotic curve while at rest.

For hygiene reasons, sleeping pillows cannot be returned, once the packaging has been opened; unless confirmed as defective.

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