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Water Magnetic Cooler

Item Number: DSM-WBC

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Another of Dr. Sierra Magnets creations.

Water Cooler Dr. Sierra Therapy Magnet. The Water Coolers Biomagnet makes an convenient portable way to have Magnetic Water ON THE GO!

Dr. Ralph U. Sierra Research Scientist reviewed the Russian scientist investigations on the many benefits of drinking water that is in contact with a Magnetic field.  Research has shown that drinking North pole magnetized water is very good for your health.

Is great for magnetizing water bottles and juices.

Drink North Negative (alkaline) water for arthritis, pains, inflammations, sprains, infections, blood pressure and many other ailments. In addition. The North (-)  side will be directed to the bottle and South pole (+) side is glued to the lining of the cooler.

A continuous use of magnetic therapy, will provide a faster and more effective results.

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